

This was a commercial ad co-directed by myself and Chris Lomartire. The goal of the ad was to craft a narrated piece that evoked a feeling and tells the story of the brand.

Shot on Blackmagic 6K Pro & DZO Pictor 12-25.

A lot of pieces came together to bring this one to life. We traveled to 6 locations and had over 10+ talent - not to mention a voiceover from Kicks & Fros owner, Melissa Carnegie.

This project was shot in October 2023 and released in March 2024 for Women's History Month.

CREW: Co-Director: Maurice Victor II, Chris Lomartire, Editor: Chris Lomartire, DP/Color: Maurice Victor, Sound: Brandon Burket, Script: Asha Brown, VO: Melissa Carnegie, BTS: Bryant Lindsay

CAST: Jazzi Goode (Mom & Daughter) @lostqueen5, Diamond Johnson (Shoe Cleaner) @diesells_life, Passion Burnell (Remote Worker) @_artdealher, Cyanca Sanders (Artist), Alex Espy (Double Dutch Lead), ADDITIONAL DOUBLE DUTCH CREW: Endora Crawford, Cali Greer, Quenisha Boyd, Angela Lawson, Soroya Nixon, Jodi Serville, Rontéau Coppin

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